Born in Indiana and raised in Florida, Joe Sedita has spent the majority of his adult life encouraging himself and those around him to take risks. A constant example of his motto, Don’t let your fears get in the way of your dreams, Joe is a thoughtful, introverted seeker, inspired and often motivated by the very things that scare him. “I seek challenges and new experiences that will stretch me beyond what I think I’m capable of doing. I want to discover what I can learn, what I can do, who I can help.” His enthusiasm for adventure is not rooted in competition or bravado, but rather in the genuine belief that the key to moving forward in life is being willing to take risks that are aligned with deep, personal values.  For Joe, an adventure can be “anything that calls your name and gets your heart racing.”

Joe’s life is rooted in the understanding that challenge leads to growth.  He’s been an avid runner (also known as “The Sicilian Flash”) since the early 80s. He plays guitar in the praise band at Stevenson First United Methodist church, assists his wife Paula in raising and training guide dog puppies, travels frequently, and willingly pursues adventures of all kinds.

In 2012, Joe sold his business and moved with his wife Paula to Sewannee, TN, where they built “Goat Rock Cottage,” their current home. Now retired, Joe’s focus is split between experiencing the beauty of the area from his backyard deck and finding meaningful ways to share the lessons he’s learned thus far with those around him. "I feel called to write about what I experience and learn, however I can." With an attitude summed up neatly in his blog’s tagline, Joe continues to seek joy every day through adventure, humor, and reflection. Welcome to Joe on Life.